Friday, March 31, 2006


oh in mexico on spring break. those "little" glasses were 5 bucks all you can drink sex on the beach, etc...i was
this is me(in the blue) and my friend michelle stephens(orange)...we were 19
this is michelle, heather, and me the same night as above
oh boy. short hair at 20. hummmmm. cant do it now...

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

the dogs of my life

this is joe's doggie Diesel...half pitt bull and half schnauzer....
my lil tanner maltese albino

diesel again...gooooofy dog let me tell ya

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Picts from St. Patrick's Day

Joe at VCD's.
Me. Incredibley Intoxicated
Dad...Incredibly Intoxicated
Mom and Dad.... Cute

St. Patrick's Day was a blast. Joe and I started at Tap Werks at noon. We left VCD's between 11 and 12 midnight. It was fun...LOL!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Hey guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just wanted all of you to know that I started another blog. If you are like me and love to write stories, poems, useless information, or just take photos, check it out. It is for people like you and me to send some of your stuff and I will post it! If you have anything, send it to I check it every day and I will post it on the site. Leave a nic-name or your first name and I will post it.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

another day in the life of me

thought i would share the picts i took yesterday of the severe weather sky. these were around 330 pm. cool huh? i will take some photos but the house needs alot of TLC. today i had my second interview at the hospital and it went very well. pray for me that i get this job. good money!!!! it is sooo cold outside. left work early because it was boring. joe is asleep in bed with either the flu or a cold. my book that i have been writing is comming along. has anyone ever looked down their own shirt and wonder why your boobs keep on getting bigger yet you dont get any taller? wierd huh? well i think i will get me a coke and get back to writing. well i might post later on tonight!!! see ya'll

Monday, March 20, 2006


well what can i say...boring!!! today was just another day at the office doing absolutely NOTHING! of course that is usual. we are almost completely moved in our house now. and the dogs love the huge back yard!!! our weather is weird of course being oklahoma. light showers turned into severe thunderstorms with tornado warnings then turned into winter weather. i am currently eating this horrible microwavable meal that consists of chicken nuggets, a wanna be brownie and horrible french fries. drinking my usual cokes. its 7:11pm here and its dark outside. well for right now i think i will go and write some. so leave a comment and enjoy!!!!!! until next time!!!

Sunday, March 19, 2006


just wanted to say hello to all! oh and michelle you have to send me the pictures from when you were here!