Sunday, July 30, 2006


hey guys! i know it has been awile since i posted. i am addicted to i just wanted to let everyone know that my friend tiffany signed up for a free i-pod and she got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all she needed was 3 referrals and she got it! i signed up for a laptop and i have two people already signed up for something! i need 8 more to go. just copy and past this in your address bar and help me out!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

i thought this was so cute!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

more of ambros

15 weeks 3 days
15 weeks 3 days
15 weeks old 1 day
14 weeks 5 days
14 weeks 5 days old!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

he looks like a rabbit!!! lol
he is trying to be diesel!
chastin and ambros...ahhhh
a bit of a show off huh?

he comes from planet woof. his spaceship is beckoning!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

our baby's first night at home!!!

isnt he cute???
yeah he is kinda big. he is an inch shorter than diesel! he gonna be big!
hee hee dumbo ears!