Thursday, August 25, 2005

okay its really late........

okay. i am really really bored so i figured i would do some jibberish. i have been playing need for speed underground 2 all day and i think i am raced out! first i will tell you about saturday night. joe and i took my dad out for his birthday to a place called sherlocks off of i-40 and mcaurther blvd. dad was trashed and had a cute little asian woman who was head over heels in love with him!!!! dad was getting down to all kinds of hip hop music. he had all the women in the club after him! it was so much fun. michelle knows my dad, just imagine a 58 year old man doing booty dancing to 50 cent! all night long. he is in better shape than i am which is saying alot! well not really. im quite a lazy ass most of the time! i am going to be coaching tennis this sept and oct for kids at rose state college every saturday. oooooo joy. lmao. i am turning 24 in november. i am getting so old! joe just turned 26 in july. hahahaha his birthday is 7-11! and he is joe brown. the big judge! we are planning a trip to ireland this coming year. and we talked about eloping while we are there! yay. he is really a wonderful guy. i am still awaiting to get my latest photos from my river trip developed and put on a cd. when i do i will post them. i know this is long so i will stop and go pee(i know i am wierd). leave a comment if ya wanna


Blogger Michelle said...

Oh my God I would have laughed my ass off at your dad. Now if your mom would have been dancing to I would have just died. They both made fun of us for being stupid back in the day and now look! I'm jealous about your trip, but even if you don't get married while your gone it's no big deal. You and Joe will always be together so there's no rush!

Friday, August 26, 2005 10:34:00 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Oh and by the way.....I don't quite remember how to make a blogroll. I have an e-mail I can send you that someone did for me to make my blogroll.

Friday, August 26, 2005 10:35:00 AM  

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