Wednesday, August 31, 2005


you know i am VERY, VERY pissed about this gas price increase. when we live in oklahoma and the minimum wage is $5.15 an hour and now the f#@!%^& gas prices are right now $3.00 a gallon going on $????????? what the hell? i say everyone needs to go and fill up your tanks and on sept 5 -9 no one get gas at all. piss off the entire gas producers! i am sick of the government raising prices on things like this. oh they want our freaking taxes from work, and other stuff, yet they hike the prices on gas which if it gets anymore expensive i wont be able to buy enough gas to make it to work which is screwing them in return I AM PISSED! and i drive a freakin rice burner! STRIKE! STRIKE! STRIKE! NO MORE PRICE GAUGING! STRIKE! STRIKE! STRIKE! if we are so low on gas, stop giving to other countries!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

wow. yes. im in one of those moods again........

Dont you ever just want to show people how you feel sometimes with out explaining yourself?

Thursday, August 25, 2005

okay its really late........

okay. i am really really bored so i figured i would do some jibberish. i have been playing need for speed underground 2 all day and i think i am raced out! first i will tell you about saturday night. joe and i took my dad out for his birthday to a place called sherlocks off of i-40 and mcaurther blvd. dad was trashed and had a cute little asian woman who was head over heels in love with him!!!! dad was getting down to all kinds of hip hop music. he had all the women in the club after him! it was so much fun. michelle knows my dad, just imagine a 58 year old man doing booty dancing to 50 cent! all night long. he is in better shape than i am which is saying alot! well not really. im quite a lazy ass most of the time! i am going to be coaching tennis this sept and oct for kids at rose state college every saturday. oooooo joy. lmao. i am turning 24 in november. i am getting so old! joe just turned 26 in july. hahahaha his birthday is 7-11! and he is joe brown. the big judge! we are planning a trip to ireland this coming year. and we talked about eloping while we are there! yay. he is really a wonderful guy. i am still awaiting to get my latest photos from my river trip developed and put on a cd. when i do i will post them. i know this is long so i will stop and go pee(i know i am wierd). leave a comment if ya wanna

oh how beautiful

ooooooo. if only. wish i still had my little del sol. i am betting this person spent the price of a little house on this car. its pretty though.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Sometimes you really miss your friends that have moved away. its like there is a huge hole that wont close up.

well some things never change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

today, as i was sitting outside, i had this wonderful idea to do absolutely nothing. as great as it sounded, it was the complete opposite. i sat there on the driveway in my chair with a cigarette and a coke. before to long i ran out of coke and smoked all of my smokes! im a dull person , i admit. and extremely bored! so LEAVE A COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

The two loves of my life

this is joe. my man for life. he is a little drunk in the photo but i plan on being with him for the rest of my life, no matter how bad he stretches my nerves!!!!
and this is my boy. tanner. he is a albino maltese. his nick-name is the dog from hell, or the evil demon. but i still love him with all my heart!!!!

my new car!!!!!!

this is my old baby. she was old and hurting so i got rid of her for this gorgous thing!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

what is the world coming to?


Saturday, August 13, 2005

oh just figured to match my mood as of right now

well another day in oz

you know my life is crazy! i am to go to a picnic tomorrow for joe's work. its a holy hell if you ask me. the food, jesus, is all wheat hamburger buns and hotdog buns, soy burgers, miller light. MILLER LIGHT!!!!!!!! only the most horrible beers in the world. not to mention pepsi and mountain dew! gross. i am going to have to eat mcdonalds and drink half a case of budweiser to survive tomorrow. and i am going to have to sneak a couple of cans of coke in my bag! oh lord help me!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


you know, i have fished all my life. i have used tons of lures, liver, worms, hotdogs anything you can possibly put on a hook. today i went by myself out at the lake. it was strange, nothing at all was nibbling, biting anything. i was there for 6 hours! i absolutely hate catfish. they smell, their ugly as hell, and they are mean, plus they dont even taste that good. im a large mouth bass person. its the game of luring them to nibble on my bait. trapping them(the big ones) and gettin the meat... relaxing as hell.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

have you ever wondered?

have you ever wondered what it would be like in the world if people respected others? how much differently people would react towards another? would people ask one another if there were trust? why, in this day and time people look down their noses at others, and just look at themselves as gods? men disrespect women, women disrect men. average joes' run around left and right staring at children and people in general that have disabilities, making fun. its horrible. have you ever sat outside and just watched people as they do the same things day after day? why do men and women pollute their bodies full of drugs and alchol. people are murdered everyday. and the scarey part is, you have no idea who is a murderer or who is a friend. now days you dont know if you can even trust the police which are meant to protect you. even police officers have been murderers. so next time you see someone sitting eyeing you, just smile and say hello.

i have to say oh my goodness to these comics!

well there is this also!

this is so funny! as is i used to be a blond and now i am a brunette with red! here is my fiance and i at the oklahoma sooners vs. nebraska football game in norman, oklahoma last year! i am a huge football fan. see and what is so funny about this is the fact that both of us had the flu(obviously passed it back and fourth) we both felt horrible!!!!!

oh no its harry potter mania!!!

okay, as i myself am a huge potter fan. i absolutely love the books without doubt. there are times when i just want to scream about people still talking the trash that the harry potter books are "evil". see its funny when how on earth would they know anyway??? they refuse to read them yet rowling has enspired tons of children and adults to read! the newest book, harry potter and the half blood prince, is absolutely the best so far. rowling, with her creativity, is growing more and more mature as a writer. her imagination opens a world of dragons, witches and wizards! her books are the type that one can get lost in fantasy. if you have not read them yet, please read. they are wonderful!

after all i am who i am

okay. lets just say that i am a little out of my mind doing something like this. my life is soooooo exciting anyways. so heres the scoop on me anyway for now. im bored. really really mind erasing bored! im sitting here at my computer with my butt going to sleep, desprately awaiting time to take my lazy butt out to the lake to go fishing. if i auctally catch something worth being proud of, i will take the photo and share! leave a comment if ya want, this is going to be a slow process! well bye! oh and yes i am drinking a guinness(my favorite) out of a huge mug and i am very intoxicated!