Tuesday, September 06, 2005


have you ever felt so alone that it is driving you crazy. seems like all of my friends have children and no time to do anything but that. here i am with no children and not married and im 23. not that thats what i want or anything, but it would be nice to have someone in my life who is there for me. who would travel with me. i want to see the world, not all of it just places like ireland, egypt, just places not here. i want to see france and london, see places that history goes so far back it is impossible. i want to write, i want to create art work that people would love to have in their homes, i dont want fame, just to be appreciated. i want to meet people who's culture is completely different than mine, learn from them. i dont just want to live, i want to live. if you understand me. i want to take walks after dark and see what the world is like after the light goes away. i want to see nature in its own path. i have a feeling that my life is chaos. i want to meet someone who doesnt care if i order a nice fat juicy steak with a cold beer. i love food, i love wines and beers. i appreciate work people have done from simple articles in a news paper to the building of architecture. i want to meet famous people and have every day conversations with them, i want to meet royalty and do the same. maybe write a book about my traveling and the people i meet. some day soon i will no longer be able to be reached in oklahoma. it will be thailand, japan, virgin islands, scotland. ahhh to dream


Blogger Michelle said...

You're still with Joe right? Does he not want to travel with you at all? Send me an e-mail girl.

Friday, September 09, 2005 5:39:00 PM  

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