Friday, October 21, 2005

its been awhile

sorry guys. it has been a while since i posted. last night i went to a comedy club and saw scott henry. he was pretty funny. i drank way too much, but is that really a surprise? anyways, i watched my taped smallville and alias. sucks that they both come on at the same time. grrrr. well i am hungover and i think i am going to grab the biggest pop i can possibly find and go do abolutely nothing. or may be all that plus reading. okay leave a comment if you want! k-bye for now~~~~~~~~~~~

Monday, October 10, 2005

oh how cute!

reborn? lol. i thought this was a cute photo. again i am disgusted with the loss. texas will fry and burn!!!!!! lol j/k. i am sitting here bored as hell and i never want to smell beer or anything else again....on saturday i kinda drank waaaaayyyy toooooo much. dad and i started drinking at noon for the ou tx game. then dad went home and me and nicole went to the new club in bricktown and i had way too many cosmopolitions. so much to say i couldnt even walk straight. i was sick all day on sunday. oh my. and what is worse is that i started my work out plan today and my tummy is still beat up. lol. i suppose i learned my lesson.okay well i am heading away from the computer now. so leave a message if ya want to. k- buh bye for now!!!

Saturday, October 08, 2005


well poop. this season has been horrible for the oklahoma sooners. today at high noon here we play of our biggest rivalries. i am scared! lol. we have all placed our bets. and the first half i am guessing 21-14 texas. i know it is against the rules to bet on the other team but hey look at how good texas has been. well i am still praying that we beat texas by at least a field goal. the third quarter is our best time to come back and kick butt. we will see. and i am planning on consuming a LOT of beer. so lets leave this with GO SOONERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

well hi people that are really really bored

i am sitting here being my bored self. well its funny how a few days ago my fingers were hurting like hell and now they constantly feel like they are asleep.....its better that way! lol. well i am hoping i dont get guitar dumb, but i am trying. so i suppose if you want to leave a comment leave one. if not, then dont. okay goodnight peoples!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

oh me oh my!

well another funeral to go to. my great uncle raymond passed away yesterday. i swear everyone is dying. i am still unemployeed and very much looking for a job. suposidly i have one but i applied to it in august and i had my interview over a month ago and i was told that they are hiring me and i have the job but come on! i need to pay some bills!!!!!!!! plus i need to invest on some finger tip numbers....since i started on my guitar lessons my fingers have developed beautiful blisters! lol. well i decided that i better learn how to play a musical insterment since i cant sing...well i can sing but i sound like a cow in labor! i am just waisting my time sitting here! lol. well i am going to go and read caus i can type anymore caus my fingers hurt. leave a message if you want too.....bye!