Monday, October 10, 2005

oh how cute!

reborn? lol. i thought this was a cute photo. again i am disgusted with the loss. texas will fry and burn!!!!!! lol j/k. i am sitting here bored as hell and i never want to smell beer or anything else again....on saturday i kinda drank waaaaayyyy toooooo much. dad and i started drinking at noon for the ou tx game. then dad went home and me and nicole went to the new club in bricktown and i had way too many cosmopolitions. so much to say i couldnt even walk straight. i was sick all day on sunday. oh my. and what is worse is that i started my work out plan today and my tummy is still beat up. lol. i suppose i learned my lesson.okay well i am heading away from the computer now. so leave a message if ya want to. k- buh bye for now!!!


Blogger Michelle said...

Well, I slightly felt your pain this past weekend. I got drunk and told like 5 people to come down for breakfast....that was a big no. I threw my self un the bathtub after low-crawling out of bed. Then fell on the couch for about....oh...half the day. Wish we could have drank together!!!

Monday, October 10, 2005 4:40:00 PM  

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