Sunday, October 02, 2005

oh me oh my!

well another funeral to go to. my great uncle raymond passed away yesterday. i swear everyone is dying. i am still unemployeed and very much looking for a job. suposidly i have one but i applied to it in august and i had my interview over a month ago and i was told that they are hiring me and i have the job but come on! i need to pay some bills!!!!!!!! plus i need to invest on some finger tip numbers....since i started on my guitar lessons my fingers have developed beautiful blisters! lol. well i decided that i better learn how to play a musical insterment since i cant sing...well i can sing but i sound like a cow in labor! i am just waisting my time sitting here! lol. well i am going to go and read caus i can type anymore caus my fingers hurt. leave a message if you want too.....bye!


Blogger Michelle said...

It's cool you're learning to play the guitar. I play the bass guitar now. My Joe just bought an electric guitar and it's really nice. Oh and hey, if you're bored...just come visit me!!!!

Sunday, October 02, 2005 6:19:00 PM  

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