Monday, March 20, 2006


well what can i say...boring!!! today was just another day at the office doing absolutely NOTHING! of course that is usual. we are almost completely moved in our house now. and the dogs love the huge back yard!!! our weather is weird of course being oklahoma. light showers turned into severe thunderstorms with tornado warnings then turned into winter weather. i am currently eating this horrible microwavable meal that consists of chicken nuggets, a wanna be brownie and horrible french fries. drinking my usual cokes. its 7:11pm here and its dark outside. well for right now i think i will go and write some. so leave a comment and enjoy!!!!!! until next time!!!


Blogger Michelle said...

You should take pictures of your house and put them on here so we can see!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 9:44:00 AM  

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