Friday, September 23, 2005

hee hee i am toasty!!!!!!!!

okie dokie! i am trashed! lol. well tonight dad and i went to the bar and drank alot...i mean ALOT. so i am making a lot of mistakes but thank goodness i have spell check. i am not a sugar person anymore at all. but i just finished off my two brownies with chocolate chips and my 5th jack and coke! lol. i have my incense lit and i am due to meditate! Joe stopped by earlier before he had to be at work and loved on me. sucks only seeing him once or twice a week. but he gets off Sunday night! so he is taking me to the fair on Sunday....the last day of it! well i am finally found myself. i am well shit i am trashed....go ahead and leave a comment and make fun of meeeeee. i deserve it.....and Michelle......all i have to say is remember the gold spermies...and the cloves............. i miss you. bye peoples!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am due to pass the hell out now!


Blogger Michelle said...

Oh my God Stephani I miss YOU!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005 1:29:00 AM  

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