Monday, September 12, 2005

some pictures of my river trip!

if anyone can tell me what the hell this is...please. i walk out of my damn tent at 6 am and this huge freakin thing is right there. it is the biggest bird thingie that i have ever

this is just a fun looking picture of a long shot of the river. it is so pretty there.

this is a beautiful shot. the water is awsome. and if ya look really hard you can see joe's dumbass in the trees jumping.

and this is ryan, joe's dorky friend. didnt care that he is in the shot, check out the awsome rock behind him. it is shaped like a pyramid. cool huh?

this is jennifer. she is one of my best friends. its her first time on the river. she is a wee bit tipsy in this shot.
this is joe looking quite yummy. at this point we were just taking a swimming break while the boys jumped off the rocks like idiots. notice the water behind him. isnt it beautiful? it is probably like 15 feet deep there.


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