Wednesday, September 28, 2005

ireland is so beautiful

ahhhhh. ireland. i cant wait till i am there. i might never want to come back...........

oh life is still beautiful

isnt she beautiful. anyways i am just sitting here being my self. i am bored as hell. now that i weigh more than i ever have i am going to have to go on a diet. which means no pop(coke, dr pepper...etc) and no beer (waaaaaaaaaa! waaaaaaaaaa!) caus those two horrible things (that are ahhh so good) are making me blow up like harry potter's aunt marge and i dont like it! so i am going to be a good girl and drink water. as long as there are ice cubes in it i am fine...... really fine. and i swear that the producers of coke and dr pepper put something in them to make them addicting. its like cig's(which two habits are enough i wont give up smoking...maybe after all the others are done and over with i might) something aint right there boyo! well i am sitting at the computer as normal and joe has to work tonight so i will be sitting here doing the same thing.okay here is a message MICHELLE! e-mail me i have some serious news about an ex boyfriend of ours. it is a bit strange so e-mail me! lol. you will laugh your butt off and we just need to chat about some stuff. doooobe doooobe dooooooooooo. yay. mmmmmmcherrypop. hee hee. okay im done now. i am going to take my water and go out side and smoke a cig. tootles for now! sha bang!

Monday, September 26, 2005


well last night joe and i went to see a drive in movie "the cave" which i am skeptical. well when we were leaving guess what????? my driver's side floor is soaking wet, i dont mean damp, i mean puddles of water! wtf! i mean WTF! there is only 2,600 miles on it! i have only had my scion tc since july and grrrrrrr. so now after my nascar interview today i have to take it to norman and have them fix the damn thing! oooooooooooo they better fix the damn smell too, i had that with my del sol. but my del sol's roof leaked. i hate the smell of mildew! well gotta go.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

just wanted to share some car accidents involving animals.......what ever you do just slam on your brakes and duck!

baby moose

Friday, September 23, 2005

hee hee i am toasty!!!!!!!!

okie dokie! i am trashed! lol. well tonight dad and i went to the bar and drank alot...i mean ALOT. so i am making a lot of mistakes but thank goodness i have spell check. i am not a sugar person anymore at all. but i just finished off my two brownies with chocolate chips and my 5th jack and coke! lol. i have my incense lit and i am due to meditate! Joe stopped by earlier before he had to be at work and loved on me. sucks only seeing him once or twice a week. but he gets off Sunday night! so he is taking me to the fair on Sunday....the last day of it! well i am finally found myself. i am well shit i am trashed....go ahead and leave a comment and make fun of meeeeee. i deserve it.....and Michelle......all i have to say is remember the gold spermies...and the cloves............. i miss you. bye peoples!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am due to pass the hell out now!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

hee hee...yeah ouch

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

my uncle kenny

today was my uncle kenny's funeral. he was an awsome person who passed away of cancer. on sept 18. in the mid-del area alone, uncle kenny raised more money for cancer research than anyone else. he was awarded a trophy for his work. even though he is not here in body, he lives on in spirt and was well loved and cherished. he worked for several railroads, was a member of a biker group, and a loving family member. we will always miss him.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

cool picture

i thought this was cool

Thursday, September 15, 2005


oh male bonding. acts of true friendship and co-workers. the hot actors are from Alias! glad as hell they arent gay though! lol.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


now isnt that the most attractive intoxicated picture of me in the whole wide world????? i am surprised i didnt fall over backwards....hee hee

Monday, September 12, 2005

some pictures of my river trip!

if anyone can tell me what the hell this is...please. i walk out of my damn tent at 6 am and this huge freakin thing is right there. it is the biggest bird thingie that i have ever

this is just a fun looking picture of a long shot of the river. it is so pretty there.

this is a beautiful shot. the water is awsome. and if ya look really hard you can see joe's dumbass in the trees jumping.

and this is ryan, joe's dorky friend. didnt care that he is in the shot, check out the awsome rock behind him. it is shaped like a pyramid. cool huh?

this is jennifer. she is one of my best friends. its her first time on the river. she is a wee bit tipsy in this shot.
this is joe looking quite yummy. at this point we were just taking a swimming break while the boys jumped off the rocks like idiots. notice the water behind him. isnt it beautiful? it is probably like 15 feet deep there.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


have you ever felt so alone that it is driving you crazy. seems like all of my friends have children and no time to do anything but that. here i am with no children and not married and im 23. not that thats what i want or anything, but it would be nice to have someone in my life who is there for me. who would travel with me. i want to see the world, not all of it just places like ireland, egypt, just places not here. i want to see france and london, see places that history goes so far back it is impossible. i want to write, i want to create art work that people would love to have in their homes, i dont want fame, just to be appreciated. i want to meet people who's culture is completely different than mine, learn from them. i dont just want to live, i want to live. if you understand me. i want to take walks after dark and see what the world is like after the light goes away. i want to see nature in its own path. i have a feeling that my life is chaos. i want to meet someone who doesnt care if i order a nice fat juicy steak with a cold beer. i love food, i love wines and beers. i appreciate work people have done from simple articles in a news paper to the building of architecture. i want to meet famous people and have every day conversations with them, i want to meet royalty and do the same. maybe write a book about my traveling and the people i meet. some day soon i will no longer be able to be reached in oklahoma. it will be thailand, japan, virgin islands, scotland. ahhh to dream

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Hurricane Katrina Devistates

well let me say something. this is horrible. and i can almost bet anyone who reads this can think of one family member or friend that lives in new orleans, slidel, mississippi, florida any of the damage. these pictures really hurt. so far my parents and i have donated several cases of water and several hundred dollars(we arent rich and famous) but in any case anything that you can donate please do. there are people that are stuck in the middle of this that are dying . i watched president
bush arrive in mississippi and tell the camera crew to push off. he was embracing a mother and daughter and walking down what used to be their street. the president was crying for these poor people. now i know not everyone likes president bush, but i do. i respect him and think he is doing a great job. and it doesnt matter what president we have in office half the country hates him half way into the presidency anyway. i stand
with him. anyways, in slidel my cousin alex's son aj and his ex-wife live there. we didnt hear from them until yesterday. they took shelter in the church. i wanted to beat her up, the people were warned well ahead of time that a freakin' catagory 5 hurricane is coming. that is a huge freakin' storm! a lot of people that stayed were the ones without cars, without money, etc. i feel for those people. those f#%&ing gang member that are shooting at our troops, robbing and raping the people that are stranded and looting every store they can should just be shot, every one of them. we dont need them anyway it would make the world a
little safer without them here.(Lord, I Appolize for that. Forgive please, Amen) thank heavens for houston texas( btw congrats on the
football game last night, awsome) the dome and the wonderful people that have been taking in refugees. these people dont have homes to go home to. and from what i have been hearing, nobody can return back to new orleans for some weeks or even months. the water that covers new orleans is absolutely horrible. there are alligators, snakes(poisonious and non), rats, everything in a nightmare is there. and the people that are trapped in attacs and roof tops must be feeling a fear that is unknown. if you are worried about a friend or family that is there, the american red cross is posting the lists from the shelters of the people found. also if you are interested in donating water, money, etc, please check out any fema, national gaurd, anything that can help. god be with these people in this time of disaster.

Saturday, September 03, 2005





Thursday, September 01, 2005


well yay it is now september, and if i remember right i think michelles birthday is in a couple of days. ha haha haha. michelle is getting old too. im turning 24 this year, im almost mid twenties. eewwwwww. well its okay joe turned 26 so he is now late twenties! lmao. well gotta go. im busy, busy, busy.